In the year 1866, under a brush arbor, Springfield Baptist Church was organized. The church building stands now on West Church Street in Sandersville as a sentinel for Christ. In 1889 a high school was founded in Springfield Baptist Church by Thomas Jefferson Elder, with 25 students enrolled the first year. This was the beginning of Professor Elder’s leadership in establishing the fine black schools that eventually bore his name.
Sandersville United Methodist Church began in 1806 in Old City Cemetery. It was subsequently moved here to West Church street and became the third church on this particular site. The first service held in this building was on Easter Sunday 1939 after the previous structure burned down. The larger right tower was part of the previous incarnation of the building which survived the fire and was incorporated into the new structure.
In 1857 the Sandersville Christian Church was organized by Dr. Daniel Hook and Rev. James Lamar. The first church building was a quaint little old-fashioned church surrounded by a beautiful grove of oak trees. On July 17, 1906, a meeting was called to discuss the advisability of erecting a new house of worship. It was the sense of the meeting that such a plan should begin at once and steps were taken in that direction. On Friday, December 6, 1907, the cornerstone was laid with appropriate ceremonies.
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