The original house to occupy this property was built in 1895 by Isadore Warren Newman for his wife, Lula Cole Newman. The large, two-story clapboard structure was constructed on a parcel of land gifted to Isadore Newman by his father, Major Mark Newman whose own home was located on the lot adjacent to the south. His brother, James David Newman lived in the house on the other side of Isadore’s home. 

Isadore Newman was especially thoughtful of his parent’s comfort as they aged. Since there were no telephones in Sandersville in those days, Isadore placed a bell on his father’s bedside table and one on his own. The bells were connected by a wire so that he could be easily notified should his parents need him.

Running water and a bathroom were also considered to be a luxury. Fortunately for the Newmans, Isadore had a windmill and storage tank in his backyard. When the wind blew, it would pump water from an open well into the storage tank. This supply of water allowed Isadore to equip both his home and that of his parents with the comforts of running water and a bathroom. 

The Isadore Newmans had lived happily in their home for eight years when Lula, returning home from a United Daughters of the Confederacy meeting, found that her house had been reduced to nothing more than a pile of embers. On occasions of fires, an alarm was raised by the deafening sound of a whistle at Lang’s Variety Works. Townspeople would rush to the fire and form a bucket brigade as there was no fire engine. The brigade did their best to put out the flames, but the fat lightwood material of the house was beyond saving. 

From 1903 to 1905, the Newmans undertook the project of building a new house at the site. The replacement home was very similar to the old one in appearance though dentil molding and other embellishments were added to the outside. 

After Major Newman’s death in 1906, Isadore’s mother, Ann Ainsworth Newman came to live in this home until her death in 1910. Both Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Newman would also live here until their deaths. They left no children.

After Lula Cole Newman’s passing, Ray Newman (son of Isadore’s brother, JD Newman) and his wife Clem Walker Newman acquired the property. It then went to Mrs. Lillian Corker and Mrs. Betty Wallace Reese, relatives of Mrs. Clem Newman,  for a short time. 

In August of 1958, the property was purchased by Mr. Earl Robinson who lost it shortly thereafter to foreclosure. In December of 1962, Mr. Clifford Bell purchased the home for his wife Mrs. Jackie Bell. Here they raised their three children, Tom, Barbara, and Beverly. 

In 1998, Robbie and Robin Thiele purchased and moved into the house with their four children, Rachel, Rebecca, Ruth, and Robert. They would call it home until 2004 when the property was listed for sale. The house spent a number of years on the market and is now under new ownership.